Need help to train your pet where to go? PredatorPee has the solution.
Dogs&Cats messin' in the wrong places ?
Please, teach me
where to "go".

It is so hard to figure out where you want me to "go". First it's on paper then it's outside, but not over there, over here. If you would just get some PredatorPee Training Scents, everything would be alright. A few squirts and I'd always know exactly where you want me to "go".

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We've got the solution!
Your source for predator urines since 1986

WolfPee CoyotePee FoxPee

Pricing and Order Info

Dogs react instinctively to the scent of canine urine and this is how you can use WolfPee, CoyotePee and FoxPee to help you direct dogs to the areas of your yard that you designate as "dog restrooms." Both males and females will be drawn to areas scented by PredatorPee and gradually make this their preferred spot. This allows you to keep the rest of the yard un-marked by unsightly stains and dead grass. Use WolfPee for large breeds, CoyotePee for medium-sized breeds and FoxPee for small breeds and for paper training pups. .
DIRECTIONS: Saturate a 6"-12" diameter area with urine and re-apply weekly.For paper taining, squirt a few drops in center of newspaper and re-apply each time you change the papers.

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BobcatPee Mt.LionPee

Pricing and Order Info
Cats react instinctively to the scent of feline urine and this is how you can use BobcatPee & Mt.LionPee to help you direct cats to the areas of your yard that you designate as "cat restrooms." Both males and females will be drawn to areas scented by BobcatPee & Mt.LionPee and gradually make this their preferred spot. This allows you to keep the rest of the yard un-marked by unsightly stains and other "deposits" Use BobcatPee for small cats & kittens and Mt.LionPee for large cats & tomcats.
DIRECTIONS: Saturate a 6"-12" diameter area with urine and re-apply weekly

Pricing and Order Info

For years our customers have been telling us how
great our 100% PredatorPee was for training dogs
and cats to use a designated area of the yard as a
"rest room." And for years we thought the
dog & cat market was just an interesting
sidebar to the very popular use of our urines
in battle against the encroachment of wild critters
into our yards & gardens.
Well, sometimes we are a little slow to catch on,
but we finally listened to some folks in California
who have been faithfully buying from us for a
long time. They have been using PredatorPee
to lure pets away from freshly planted (and expensive!)
sod lawns. They convinced us that the dog & cat
market should have our full attention.
So, we have taken their advice and the advice of
many other customers and packaged our
PredatorPee specifically for sale to the pet market.
PredatorPee is not just for wild critters anymore!
Our PredatorPee is perfect for paper training
puppies and getting kittens focused on the
litter box, too. Then once they have moved
outside, you can designate the area of your yard
where you want them to "go". In the animal world,
urine is the great communicator. It not only
warns prey of the presence of a predator, but
also communicates territorial boundaries
to members of like species.
PredatorPee makes dogs & cats
where you want them to!

Now available in handy 12 oz. Squeeze bottles, 16 oz. Spray Bottles or 20 oz. No-Mess Granules for EZ application at special prices too!

Read our mail - here's what our PredatorPee Customers have to say:

"Dear Ken, I thought I would update you on the progress of our black Labrador retriever with respect to using your wolf pee to get him to urinate in our yard rather than all over the neighborhood. When I last emailed you (Dec.23), he was having only intermittent success. Since then here is what has happened. By the time the wolf pee bottle was 2/3 used, the success rate for having him pee where we wanted finally approached 100%. We now have a new bottle of wolf pee and coyote pee and are continuing to train him to the spots in our yard where we want him to go. The success rate of him responding remains near 100%. However we need to refresh the spot about once a day. It has been snowing and raining here often, and he loses interest if the scent is not remarkably fresh. I now put a smaller amount of pee than at first on the tree or pole about 1 to 2 inches above the ground or snow line, and that seems to work well. We are continuing to reward his success with cheese. Our next test will be to refresh the area less frequently and try to get him to pee there anyway. So things are going much better now than when I emailed you last. I thought you would be interested in how progress has been."

Sincerely yours, Jim and Carol Lock Parma, OH

Predatorpee is the natural way to approach dog training, puppy training, paper training and housebreaking. A few drops of fox urine, coyote urine or wolf urine will make all the difference. Dogs are territorial and always want to mark over an invading scent. The biggest part of pet training is often getting them to "go" where you want them to.
PredatorPee is just the ticket!

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PredatorPee Now Available in No Mess Granules! And New Spray Bottles, Too!

Pee Is for you!

Coyotes in Your Yard?
100%WolfPee is what you need!

(Wolves are one of the coyote's few natural predators)
Cats Bugging You?