Whatever You Store - Protect it against Rodent Damage with PredatorPeeShots!

Squirrels, mice, rats, raccoons etc can easily do $1000's of damage to wires and upholstery in any type of vehicle. Our PeeShots are perfect for this application. They come in an 8 pack and are “Pee-Loaded” with PredatorPee. Remove the lids and place the PeeShots near each tire and in engine compartment or other target areas in the vehicle. Remove before driving. Choose BobcatPeeShots for mice, CoyotePeeShots for rats and 'coons, FoxPeeShots for squirrels, and WolfPeeShots for domestic and feral cats.
“Kathryn K. who lives in Dupont Circle, had to take her car in six times for service because of rat damage. At one point, she submitted a claim for the $1,200 her dealership charged to completely re-wire her vehicle. "Our insurance company dropped us," she says.Fed up, Kailian Googled for solutions and found CoyotePee. She ordered it on the Internet and hasn't had a problem since. The smell dissipates pretty quickly and the rats have left her alone, despite the fact that she parks in an alley with Dumpsters filled by Five Guys, Chipotle, Cosi, and other delicious-to-rats restaurants.” washingtoncitypaper.com

Just remove the covers and place in engine and wiring compartments, next to wheels, in storage compartments and anywhere rodents might cause damage. One application in storage should last the entire storage season.

Get One 8Pak for cars and boats and 2 for RV's.
$26.99 for one or 2 for $49.99 - Save $4!
Free Shipping, Too!

Order Car-Boat-RvPak

See what Discover Magazine has to say about PredatorPee

PredatorPee Scares the Pee out of Mice & Rats
Questions about PredatorPee?
Email: ask-the-peeman@predatorpee.com

Contact Us by Email: We Respond Quickly to All Emails
Maine Outdoor Solutions 2706 Union St., Hermon, Maine 04401
Call: 207-478-6426
"30 day Money back guarantee.  Please email us regarding any returns

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Original PredatorPee
Since 1986
All-Natural - No chemicals - There's Nothing More Organic than Wild Urine!

100% Predator Urine
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